Dienstag, Januar 31, 2006

aachen lousberg

laura! ;)

aachen winter pic

the trained argentinian traveller will recognize:self made dulce de leche

germany beautiful 3

germany beautiful 4

germany beautiul 2

another germany pic... plus discount supermarket truck in traffic jam giving the perfect background for german student reading newspaper being bored by traffic jam

germany beautiful 1


happy people

back to aachen, and in a way a piece of germany that does remind me of the place i grew up... beautiful in its way it is-... ;)

day trip to maastricht, netherlands, brillant idea to build a hotel in a church... does work but only under one condition.. the owner has to be able to convert the hotel back into a church within two days..all the time ?!

what do u see? saussage = typical for germany? or do u see the american foot looker domination in pedestrian area, or the loss of traditional saussage selling, or even the brilliance of one single german brain, or the sad fact that this brain actually is owned by a turkish immigrant? or is this pic so typical german because u cant see anything german except from one old lady?

well and back again... gruiten close to d�sseldorf, in a way my temporary home at my brother's... i did stop the car to share this particular impresion with u: thats about what u can get for a sunset in germany...

from aachen back to australia, at least in my mind... a little teardropping reward to stefan, who made to whitsundays as well... too bad we didnt meet ;(

who wouldnt want to be there???

last words 2

last words 1

@ philipp and norman... i dont know why this important person wanted me to delete all my pics of him.. well i didnt :)

marco offers his sweatty armpits... philipp pretends he doesnt like that.. but now we all know..

another one of these long stories

im still not sure if philipp didnt understand the idea of laying my cam down on the ground or if he wanted to show us his better side on purpose???

i want norman.. he wants my beer... so much for a friend

norman philipp and their two best friends

AND another one of these nights... from paderborn to aachen... watching philipp performing a last smile...

what is he thinking??? well i had to discard the following pics... ;) just kidding

again.. hard to explain... ;)

and i dont know why they started this whole dressing up thing.. b they finally got me too... sweet

funny thing to think about: the only person i knew on that party was heiko, so where is heiko? he fall asleep right after i arrived...


i thought quite a while about to write... impossible...no comment

who started that girl kissing thing again?

girl + vodka red bull + head + door = open forehead - ice = girl with frozen fries on her forehead

the most stylish way to drink vodka red bull...

one of these nights... and he started it... heiko=happy birthday

cutom designed couch-server combo with integrated display on the right hand side... all my respect to master sese well known from www.sesedownunder.blogspot.com

german computer geeks living room @schwabes place downtown paderborn! at least they know they want sun beach and palmtrees, even though in germany that will remain a dream untill further global warming...

Life in Germany

yeah hey! its me again... been busy for while... id love to say that i was looking for the perfect job and found it, that i was looking for the perfect girl and found her, that i was looking for the perfect place to live and love... and found it... well life is hard even back home in germany... so at least not all of this happened to me ;(

i spent some time searching but i f u take a quick look at the pics.. u ll find out that im still not wearing a suit and that im still not going to work regularly...

everything else is self-explaining...

hope everybody is doing fine, and that all of u got 2006 started the way they wished for!

im turning 25 tomorrow, makes me feel old, especially since i couldn't organize a decent party like i am used to. so for everybody who was waiting for that invitation that never came... i didnt forget to invite you... i ll just celebrate a little bit later, maybe when i found my perfect triple ;)

Dienstag, Januar 03, 2006

and ... biggest thx rocio (granada) for inviting us!!!

sacre coeur 2

sacre coeur 1

some melbourne girl...

moulin rouge

actually i cant remember why..but anyway why not?!

paris metro


some little street in paris

notre dame and kronenburg

the guys were fascinated by some art in paris..
