Sonntag, August 28, 2005

North Island

So finally some internet for free again :)

very similar here to oamaru, guy at the reception is from italy, lets me use everything... anyway.. after queenstown we had a little crashdown (breaking pads were gone) in wanaka, waiting for a mechanic, but all good, could stay for free at a lovely womens place, cause the whole town was booked out (main ski season saturday...)
we had some fre spa experiences... drove to the 2 famous glaciers fox and franz joseph.. but from there it was raining like shit... so the whole wetscoast raining...
finally we had some winetastings (@schwabe.. 11 wineries = 79 wines :) ) for free of course... and then i lost karolina..she made her way back to christchurch...

while i obviously crossed the channel to wellington on the northisland... met francis on the ferry..student in wellington..could crash at his place... fotos coming..

and then i hired the new crew... agnes(austria) and ellie(kanada) who are joining me ojn the way up north...

so everything is good right now... im just having some trouble with south america... cant believe that i ll be there in less than 2 weeks!!

so thats all for now..

fotos later this machine is sooo old.. running win98 :) no way!

big hug to u all


Freitag, August 19, 2005


queenstown is the bungy capitel... basicly the extreme sport capitel of the world.. but its bungys hometown and i couldnt resist jumping the world oldest and one of the most scenic jumps! although there is a 134m jump, this one has only 43m, i still wanted to do the smaller, cause this is the only one here where they dump u in the water :)
i survived im fine and happy!!

big hug for the world

xxx mattes

bungy mattes.. no money but luckily i got big bens credit card number :).. thx ben..enjoy






the Kawarau bridge.. worlds first bungy site... fullfilled an old dream, 43m in a beautiful valley, from a bridge whole body dumped into water...

darell scottland

mirror lakes!

darrell & karolina takin off for a cruise.. i stayed, have to save some money :)

fjordland of milford sounds

best accomodation in dunedin, the guys from this house just let me sleep on their couch...THX for that ollie, duncan & forgot the name :(

otago peninsula in front of dunedin

sphere shaped stones in the sea, whyever?!

penguine watching in oamaru!

Donnerstag, August 18, 2005

Penguines Dunedin & Milford Sounds

so... invested a dollar again to say hello... still alive.. actually quite good.. have a scottish guy on board for a couple of days..
seen heaps of penguines in oamaru, seals in dunedin (otago peninsula). met friendly students at dunedin, who let me sleep at their place... and then we ve been at the fjordland of milford sound..

some awsome pictures coming, but i couldnt connect my camera!! damn internet cafe computers...

well anyway.. still on my way towards auckland.. hope i can keep u informed...

next stop queenstown/// the city of bungee :) we will see! (nevis 134m jump!)

so im off.. got to do some drivin!

cheers matt

Montag, August 15, 2005

at the end of the day we could feed some salmons, why not...

sunset no 181 or so... i already love nz scenery!! simply beautiful

finally mount cook, highest mountain of nz, 3753m

and another one...

on our walk ... some swing bridges

mount cook memorial, one sign for a couple of people who died, climbing mount cook...

hooker valley, at the base of mount cook national park

lake pukaki's color, turquoise, is really impressive, mount cook coming closer

even more beautiful, lake pukaki with mount cook in the beackround...

beautiful lake tekapo

short stop at mount hutt, nz highest ski field

my new home, sunny!

and getting even more beautiful 180..

akaroa, beautiful little village on banks peninsula

didnt take pictures from christchurch, dont know why.. but here we go, nz banks penisula, formed by two vulcanos (left and right from the bay) about one hour from christchurch...


hey me again...
funny to discover the world without money?! suddenly u find food for free, internet for free... i mean new zealand is full of fun stuff..from bungee to skydive whitewater rafting, jet boat, snowboard, paragliding, heliskiing, milford sound cruises...
but i ll probably miss out most of it... doin oldschool sleeping in the 20 dollar a day car, at 0 :) eating food from free food corner of backpackers i dont even stay in.. and walkin up snowy hills rather than snowboarding down...
still i feel good, have fun and see probably all of new zealand.. and ists a wonderful country!!
im doin fine with karolina, my swedish travel mate... cause shes saving some money as well///
so yeah... u cant have it all.. i miss my ipod.. without music driving a car is just half the fun..

so thats it.. maybe pics tomorrow, u never know.. being around quite a bit already :)

have a good one all of u..

x matt

Sonntag, August 14, 2005

Welcome to NZ

i just got my passport back on wednesday, still had to fly to melbourne, cause i couldn t cancel my flight anymore..
a lot of trouble but i made to christchurch, finally! now im here, rented a car for 20 dollars a day including all, insurance, one way fee kilometres... and i ll stay in that car...
shes called 'sunny' and i already like her...
just found a swedish girl caroline, who is gonna travel with me around the south island.. to share fuel...
and yes i got a new number..

+64 210344473

so feel free to call... im still not able to access my money cause i lost all my cards.. so i ll have to save on calls, internet and all that stuff.. sorry for that... i ll make up for it next month!!

thats it so far..
cya later


Mittwoch, August 10, 2005

still here

hey ho,

im still in australia, juchu, but im not really happy... my passport and wallet were stolen, so i m stucked here... it will take me at least till friday to get a new passport and will cost me a lot of money to get out of australia before my visa expires,... tja selber schuld, as we say :)
as u can see, i decided to write some stuff in english now, cause germans can speak english while australians cant speak german..

anyway its a fun thing to go to and enter this blog at 'translate a webpage' from german to english...

so much for general information... i got a lot of stuff to do still so i ll write more later

cheers matt

Montag, August 08, 2005

Letzter Eintrag Australien

machs gut australien, machs gut xxx... letzten 2 tage in brisbane, nochmal allen tschoeoe sagen und dann gehts mittwoch morgen nach christchurch!!
d.h. heisst aber auch, ich bin ab mittwoch wieder auf dem weg nach deutschland, im prinzip :) haelfte ist rum... auf nach hause...

nur noch wenige monate!!

der mattes

Montag, August 01, 2005

Back in Brisbane

soho, da bin ich es wieder!
auch den trip haetten wir ueberlebt, zumindest physisch.. es faellt mir schwer den trip in einem satz zusammen zu fassen, aber wir hatten sehr viel glueck und spass, haben viel gesehen und viele leute kennengelernt!!
zusaetzlich kann ich noch verkuenden, dass ich alle meine klausuren bestanden habe :) womit das ziel australien kennenlernen und uni nicht vergessen wohl erreicht worden ist...
naja lassen wir das, war auch wieder alles eher unverdient, aber da sagen wir ja nicht danke..

jupp, wieder in brisbane, etwas geschroepft, muss mal ein bisl alles setzten lassen, neu ordnen bevor es dann naechsten mittwoch 10.08.05 nach neuseeland geht! simen ist grade nach norwegen geflogen, und ich geh jetzt erst mal ins studio, meinen bierbauch shapen!

bis denn, erst mal allen ein schoene woche...


na und das wars im wesentlichen!!! zurueck nach alice springs noch mal feiern und alle sachen verschenken die nicht it ins flugzeug koennen (z.b. die taucher brille!!) viele leute gluecklich gemacht! ist doch auch mal schoen

schwimmen im garden of eden, kann man sich streiten, es war sehr sehr kalt, wie man sieht..

JA! die kleinen striche ind der mitte sind menschen und JA! die ringe im stein stammen von der massiven kreissaegen die hier den canyon geschnitten hat!

wo jeder so sein spass hatte, wie immer, wenn nix zu tun ist, muss man halt was los machen

den abend am pool im yulara resort (illegal) verbracht :) und dann gestaerkt am naechsten tag zum kings canyon

nochmal kata tjuta, ich bin auch durch das valley of the winds gelaufen (7,5km) um den tag abzurunden, aber die fotos zeigen acuh nur steine und davon gabs ja jetzt genug!!

simen ist elch-fleisch!! in der wueste :)

ich bin dann noch 10km um den berg rum gejoggt, zum glueck hab ich dann ein altes bmx rad gefunden..waer sonst schon anstrengend geworden :)


uluru impressionen

naja und ausser uluru und kata tjuta im hintergrund ist alles flach!

es war anstrengend, und ich muss ehrlich sagen ich bin ueberrascht, wer sich alles da hoch gequaelt hat...

dann gings den berg hoch, gewissensfrage, nach aboriginal gesetz ist es verboten, wir haben es trotzdem gemacht...


uluru impressionen

uluru im morgengrauen, sehr kalt, deshalb die jacke und der tee

wir sind inzwischen einige studen und 2000 weiter im sueden... suedlich von alice springs, d.h. zwischen darwin und uluru gab es genau zwei foto stops !! naja das hier ist der 2. und der ist maessig spektakulaer. henbury krater, 12 krater, die von einem meteoriten einschlag herruehren. nur zur info, der meteorit war nur etwa so gross wie ein fass bier!!

und auch da kommt "the who" mit drauf

devils marbels...